Thursday, October 11, 2012

Drill and Application Lesson

              The reporter tackled about the Drill Lesson is foe automatization of a certain fact, information, habit, attitudes and skills to fix association for permanency or to perfect a certain degree a particular skill and the characteristics of a good drill will not bring mastery of certain fact and information the guidelines to be observed is Motivation, Focalization, Repetition and Attention, and Application there having a three(3) principles in drill activity namely; first the Utilization of the principles of learning, Way of conducting a drill and last is Standards.
Application Lesson is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to relate, express and apply what they have learned. They have eight (8) kinds of application lesson namely; storytelling, oral reading, dramatization, written composition, construction and illustration, singing, creative work or composition and last is test the learners can apply this kind of lessons in different topics.

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