Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Function of Teaching

The function of teaching reported by Ms. Bastasa, Teacher should know the student in what level they are if so the teacher observe the learning of the students and give here attention ,retention, ability to reproduce the behavior, motivation, reinforcement and teacher should know the law of learning of the student and the governing perennial as a theory, thrust of reconstruction, educational philosophy and the philosophical.

Cognitive Learning

This reporter tackled the cognitive learning defined within field of psychology as being aware of current intellectuality such knowing, thinking, conscious judgments are being made within brain to process is described as cognitive. The study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak and solve problems and learning how to learn and there are the 7 thinking strategies and the identifying effective teaching.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Characteristic of Learning

This reporter  tackled about  the characteristic of learning there are having a three types of characteristic of learning first learning is fundamental is the question of knowledge by systematic study is basically a type of relationship existing between stimulus and responses, second learning is interactive the individual reacts to the stimulus in the environment that learning is likely to occur third learning is developmental growth and developmental involves physical and functional factors that contribute learning and the factors that contribute to learner and the thinking process and remembering.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Meaningful Learnin theory

This reporter tackled about the meaningful theory an individual learns by relating newly acquired information to what learner already knows. Meaningful materials from verbal/textual presentation in learning activities. The meaningful learning theory they are having a characteristics and concepts related, other related views learning, applied in classroom teaching, condition of learning, there are two components of motivation, conditions that cause forgetting, types of transfer of learning, theories of transfer all of this are the meaningful learning theory.